Lebron Sent Cupcakes To His Neighbors To Apologize For How Hectic Things Have Been These Past Few Weeks


Kind of a cool move by Lebron, right up until you realize he went and got cute with the whole thing and put a half dozen “Just A Kid From Akron Cherry Cola Cupcake” Cupcakes in that box. Fucking gross. Not only gross but an awful name for a cupcake. If you really wanted to apologize you would have given your neighbors 12 chocolate cupcakes and an envelope full of cash. That’s how you apologize for holding the country hostage for 2 weeks. Not some vanilla cupcake with red frosting bullshit. We’re not 4 years old Lebron. You gave everyone 6 cupcakes and 6 pieces of trash they now have to go and throw away*. Thanks for the chore idiot.





This officially means that Caroline Cupcakes did in fact break the news now huh? The biggest sports story of the year scooped by a cupcake shop. Welcome to 2014.





*I’d still eat the vanilla ones but I wouldn’t like it, it would be more because I can’t stand watching food go to waste.



h/t David

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